About Us

Our Mission

AppFactory was established in 2012 with a clear and ambitious mission: to enhance the potential of the printing industry by demonstrating the numerous advantages and possibilities of synthetic print media.

From the outset, we adopted a niche product approach, specializing in polyester-based materials. We selected polyester due to its exceptional properties, which make it the highest quality synthetic material available for print applications. Polyester's durability, versatility, and superior printability set it apart, enabling us to offer innovative and reliable solutions that meet the diverse needs of the printing industry. Through our focus on this niche, we have been able to deliver unparalleled value and performance, consistently pushing the boundaries of what synthetic print media can achieve. 

Why Clients Love Us 

Experts in Synthetic Print Media 

High Quality Products

Devoted to Customers 

Fast Handling & Delivery

Company Culture

The AppFactory culture can be encapsulated by the following anecdote. One Friday afternoon, with the sun shining and the workweek winding down, our office was filled with a relaxed atmosphere, punctuated by light-hearted conversations and laughter.

Suddenly, we received a call from a customer in need: "I have a problem and need your help. I want to order product X. Can it please be shipped out today?"

We readily affirmed the first request, but the second posed a challenge. The call had come in just five minutes before the courier service was scheduled to pick up the day's orders. Instantly, we shifted into high gear. In those five minutes, the order was processed, packed, labeled, and all necessary paperwork was completed. We handed it over to the courier just as they arrived.

This story reflects who we are: a dedicated team that combines a vibrant, enjoyable work environment with a steadfast commitment to customer satisfaction.